Thursday, 26 May 2016

Measuring Area

Today we had a terrific time measuring the area of flat surfaces. We used A4 paper as our measuring tool and worked together to cover different surfaces without leaving any gaps. Then we recorded or results. 

We found that the top of the book shelf and the small green mat had the same area. To check our results, we place the mat on top of the shelf and found the children's measurements were correct. 

We found this table top had the largest area. The children could explain that this was the case because it took the most sheets of paper to cover it completely. 

Karli, Isabella and Simron are experimenting with open and closed shapes. 

Nash, Jemma and Benita compared and ordered shapes. 

Sophia and Joshua checked whose shape had the larger area by superimposing them. 

So did Darcy....

and Sophie and Ano...

Joshua measured the area of his shape against that of Caterina and Adrian. 

The competition between these girls to make a shape with the largest area was fierce. The finish was very close!

Next week's home challenge is to measure the area of a household item. I wonder what the children will measure and what the measuring tool will be...

1 comment:

  1. Simron measure her waist which was 24 inch.
