Sunday, 29 May 2016


To find out how much space a surface takes we measure its area. We can use a range of tools to do this but the key is to use a tool that will leave very few (if any) gaps and then use that tool to cover the surface completely. In class last week we used A4 paper. Other tools could be news paper, blocks (all the same size), boxes (same size), containers (ice cream or take away food) etc.

What surface would you measure at your house? Perhaps you have a rug or a square of carpet. Maybe a blanket or your quilt. You might have a tall boy or book shelf you could measure the top of.

In your comment share the surface you measured and the tool you chose to measure it with. You might even like to compare the area of one surface (for example, your quilt) with another (a rug). Tell us which surface has the larger area and how you know. Alternatively you may search for two surfaces with the same area.

Happy measuring!

1 comment:

  1. Olivia chose to measure her activity table and the ottoman.
    We chose DVD cases to measure the surfaces.
    The ottoman was the winner, taking 28 DVDs to cover opposed to the table using 12 DVDs to cover.
