Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Do you have spare ice cream containers at your house?

I'm in need of several ice cream containers for a Maths activity next week. If you have any at your house that you can spare please send them my way?
Thank you in advance!

Sunday, 29 May 2016


To find out how much space a surface takes we measure its area. We can use a range of tools to do this but the key is to use a tool that will leave very few (if any) gaps and then use that tool to cover the surface completely. In class last week we used A4 paper. Other tools could be news paper, blocks (all the same size), boxes (same size), containers (ice cream or take away food) etc.

What surface would you measure at your house? Perhaps you have a rug or a square of carpet. Maybe a blanket or your quilt. You might have a tall boy or book shelf you could measure the top of.

In your comment share the surface you measured and the tool you chose to measure it with. You might even like to compare the area of one surface (for example, your quilt) with another (a rug). Tell us which surface has the larger area and how you know. Alternatively you may search for two surfaces with the same area.

Happy measuring!

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Measuring Area

Today we had a terrific time measuring the area of flat surfaces. We used A4 paper as our measuring tool and worked together to cover different surfaces without leaving any gaps. Then we recorded or results. 

We found that the top of the book shelf and the small green mat had the same area. To check our results, we place the mat on top of the shelf and found the children's measurements were correct. 

We found this table top had the largest area. The children could explain that this was the case because it took the most sheets of paper to cover it completely. 

Karli, Isabella and Simron are experimenting with open and closed shapes. 

Nash, Jemma and Benita compared and ordered shapes. 

Sophia and Joshua checked whose shape had the larger area by superimposing them. 

So did Darcy....

and Sophie and Ano...

Joshua measured the area of his shape against that of Caterina and Adrian. 

The competition between these girls to make a shape with the largest area was fierce. The finish was very close!

Next week's home challenge is to measure the area of a household item. I wonder what the children will measure and what the measuring tool will be...

Tuesday, 24 May 2016


It's not too late to bring yours in. 
Take a look at these projects:

Behaving responsibly with pets

How do we behave responsibly around a dog?

All dogs in NSW must be microchipped. 

If an angry dog is near we should:
1. Stand very still 
2. Place our hands by our sides
3. Be very quiet
4. Look at the ground. 

If we wish to pat a dog we do not know we should:
1. Stop 3 big steps away
2. Ask the owner if it's OK to pat the dog
3. Make your hand into a ball and let it smell the back
4. Pat the dog's back. 


Yesterday we played a game. We drew 5 circles on the ground and asked the children to make groups of 6 in the circle. Then we counted how many children there are altogether.  
We discovered that 5 groups of 6 equals 30. 
We added two circles sowe had 7 groups in total.  The children made groups of 4. 
We discovered that 7 groups of 4 makes 28. 

When we returned to class we used farm animals to make groups. We had two groups and one animal in each group. 
We discovered that 2 groups of 1 equals 2. 
We did similar activities using counters. 

Placing objects into equal groups is an effective way of working out how many we have in total. 
What have you made groups of at your house? 
How did you work out how many you have altogether? 

Monday, 23 May 2016


We had a number of children bring their TINKERTIME take home challenge to school today. We loved listening to the children's ideas about how things should fit and why they should go together in a certain way. It as also wonderful to hear stories of families "tinkering" together. 

It's not too late to tinker in your place in space! Projects will be displayed in our classroom over the next few weeks. I would love to have your work included as well!! 

New Friends

This morning Mrs Gray and her Year 7 and 8 Care Group spent some time in our class. The purpose is for the girls to "give back" in some way to the school community. KC was divided into groups of 4 and eac group worked thorough some aspect of their Literacy activities through games and hands on activities. Each group was allocated 3 girls from the Year 7/8 group. The girls encouraged, tutored and formed new friendships. We look forward to having the girls, along with Mrs Gray, join us on a fortnightly basis. 

Friday, 20 May 2016


Our focus in Sport over the last few weeks, and into the rest of the term, is skipping. Some of the children have picked up the sport quite quickly and others will benefit from further instruction and practise. So, if you would like ideas for things to do outside, why not encourage your child to pick up a skipping rope?

Congratulations KC!

Well done Isabella, Simron and Darcy! You've had a terrific week. 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

TINKERTIME Take Home Challenge

Below is a Facebook post you may not have seen but might find helpful for the Tinker Time Take Home Challenge

Last week we sent home our first ever TINKERTIME Take Home Challenge called 'My Place In Space', seeking to engage Primary School students in MAKING moments, learning new skills and technologies whilst having a lot of fun in the process. We can't wait to see another set of marvellous creations here at MACC on Monday 23rd May! 
(Click the link below for assistance)


Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Reach Meet is an exciting opportunity for teachers to share what we're doing in our classes. There are many topics for you to choose from, so the night is an excellent way to have your questions answered. All you need to know about the evening is contained within the flyer below:

This is the link you can follow to sign up. We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, 16 May 2016

MATHS HOME ACTIVITY: Adding and Taking Away

My children, Siena and Zac, were collecting autumn leaves for a craft activity.
Siena collected 7 leaves and Zac collected 4 leaves. They worked out that together they had 11 leaves. (7+4=11)
Sadly, by the time they got home 5 out of the 11 leaves were crushed. 11 take away 5 left them with 6 leaves. (11-5=6)

What have you added together at your house? 
Can you tell us the story and put it in a number sentence? 

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Congratulations KC!

Well done Caterina, Olivia and Ano on receiving your awards on Friday!

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Tinker Time Home Challenge

Our next Tinker Time Challenge went home to families this week. The eldest child in each family received a pack which contains the key components. They will be using a simple circuit to create a picture or design of a place in Space. The idea is that families work together to create their design. The designs need to be returned to school so that they can be displayed. We are looking forward to seeing everyone's design!


The children love Drama lessons with Mrs Brownlee and Mrs Frances. Yesterday they explored different emotions and what they look like. They also experimented with puppets and getting into different characters. I'm sure there is lots if fun to be had in coming weeks as they continue to role play in different characters.