Monday, 8 August 2016

What I love about Kindergarten

One of the things that I love about teaching Kindergarten is the way our conversations can lead us into new and unplanned learning experiences.

Last week we read this beautiful book.

It is about a bilby that is searching for the moon. Our discussion lead us to talk about the phases of the moon and where the moon gets its light.

This reminded Jemma of seeing the southern cross from her car whilst on holidays. So we talked about the the southern cross and why it can be found on the Australian flag. Being so close to the opening ceremony of the Olympics, this was a perfect lead in to a discussion about the Olympics.

Later that day we made Australian flags with oil pastels and a paint wash. We did this so the children will be able to recognise their country's flag when it is held or raised at the Olympics.

We also talked about where the 2016 Olympics will be held and looked up Brazil on a map. We then discussed the Olympic rings, what the colours mean and why they are linked.

The children made their own Olympic rings artwork. The only guidelines they were given were the use of the Olympic colours and that the rings had to be linked in some way.

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