Tuesday, 14 June 2016


Today in class we looked at a picture of a bag of rice. Most children thought this was not very heavy, so checked this thought by holding one. The children found that a bag of rice is actually quite heavy. We also had a similar sized bag of pasta. Most children expected the rice (2kg) and the pasta (1kg) to have the same mass because the packets were almost the same size. However, when they checked by hefting, they found the rice was much heavier. 

What two things can you compare at your house? Were your results what you expected?

Share your measuring activities in the comment box below. We can't wait to read about what you learnt.  


  1. Olivia - I compared my stuffed toy unicorn and a book. My unicorn my was lighter than the book. My Dad is heavier than my little brother. I can lift my little brother but I can't lift my Dad.

    1. That's great comparing Olivia! I love the way you explained how you know what is lighter or heavier.
      We missed you today! Hope you are feeling better!

  2. Cadence - I pretended I was a scale and one hand held a heavy door stop and the other held a pair of my socks.
    The door stop was heavier because the hand that was holding it was lower than the hand holding the sock

    1. That's exactly what woul happen if you used a scale. Great explaining Cadence!

  3. I pretended I was a balancing scale. I held my lamp in my right hand and my singing birds in my left hand. The lamp made my hand go down and that makes it heavier than the singing birds.

    I used hefting to and found out my teddy is heavier than my rabbit that I got for Easter.

    I put my 2 bibles in my hands and my pink Bible is lighter than my white bible.

  4. That is fantastic comparing Sophie! I loved that you used hefting to measure a few things at your house. I can't wait to share what you found with the other children tomorrow!

  5. Adrian decided to use the bathroom scales to see how heavy he was compared to his brother Eli, Adrian was 6kg heavier then Eli

  6. Darcy lifted a full pencil case in one hand, and a roll of ribbon in the other. She thought the pencil case would be heavier - and it was! 💝

    1. I really love that you estimated first Darcy! I'm glad you were right.

  7. me and my mum figured out that my pink puppy is lighter than my ninjago book. we weighed an oil tin which was lighter than me.

    1. I love that you tried different methods to figure out what was heavier or lighter Sophia. We can use weights to check how heavy things are during play tomorrow.
