Friday, 17 June 2016


This week we completed a unit on fractions. Our goal was to be able to identify and create halves, as well as identify items that have not been divided into two equal parts. I believe we have well and truly achieved our goal. Her is some of the evidence in support of my opinion:

Cutting play dough shapes in half

Using geoboards to make shapes then splitting those shapes in half with another rubber band. 

The children worked with a partner to plan a picnic. To make it fair, each item on the picnic rug was cut in half. 

These girls explained that they had drawn 3 lollipops but found sharing 3 lollipops with 2 people difficult. They decided to cut each lollipop in half so that each person would get 3 pieces of lolly!

How many ways can you fold a square piece of paper in half?

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