Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Learning about Living Things - Animals

At the beginning of the term I asked the children what they know about animals. The whiteboard was filled with a mind map of words showing their prior learning. 
My next question was, "what would you like to learn about animals?"

The next day Olivia asked, "can we learn about hibernate?"
Nash asked, "can we learn about habitat?"

So, we learnt about animals that hibernate and what a habitat is. 
We created a word wall which we add to each time we learn a new word.

So far, the children's interests have guided to explore animals that are nocturnal and animals that can camouflage. We've learnt about the difference between insects and spiders. 

Ano was particularly interested in fossils, so we talked about why they are important. We've even had a go at making fossils of our own. 

First we made the dough using flour, salt, used coffee grounds and cold coffee. 

Then we stamped our shells and left our dough in the sun to dry. 

Most of our creations made realistic looking fossils. The children are really pleased with their work!

I absolutely love the paths the children's interests take us on!

I wonder what question they will ask next?!

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