Friday, 29 April 2016

ANZAC Display Incursion

We had a very exciting opportunity today. Mr and Mrs Bird visited to give us a little more of an understanding of what it is like to be a soldier in the army. The children we fascinated by all that was presented. 

Congratulations in Week 1!

Congratulations to all of the children in KC on a terrific first week back in Term 2!

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Planning and Building Our Way Into Term 2!

Welcome to Term 2!
I was so happy to see the children today and even happier to be spending the day working along side them as they planned and built their house to add to MACCCOT (Mount Annan Christian College Community of Tomorrow). The children were so engaged as they designed, built and improved. They sought feedback from one another as well as the adults in the room, and loved the outcome when they applied the ideas. 
Congratulations KC on a fantastic first day back! 




Welcome to Camilleri Close!!

Friday, 8 April 2016

What's Happening in Term 2

After the holidays we will certainly be hitting the ground running! There is a lot going on in the first couple of weeks. I have placed copies of the notes under the 'Information for Parents' tab, but here's what is happening in a nutshell:

Monday 18 April - Online Booking System for Parent/Teacher Interviews opens. Interviews can be booked from 1.30pm

Tuesday 26 April (first day back)
8.50am -  ANZAC Ceremony in the Primary Quad (or MPH in the case of wet weather)
10.50am - 2.30pm - Tinker Time

Thursday 5 May (Week 2)
9.00am Mother's Day Stall
1.30 - 8.30pm Parent/Teacher Interviews in the MPH

We are so excited about the creative challenge that Tinker Time will bring! The first day back at school is not too late to bring in boxes, paper or cardboard for the children to use in their building. Please hang on to recyclables such as cereal, tissue or cracker boxes, cellophane or left over materials from craft activities. If the items you bring are not used on the Tuesday they will most certainly be used when the children continue to 'tinker' during Developmental Play on Mondays and Fridays.

Our Final Assembly for Term 1

After a fantastic term, I believe we are all well and truly ready for a break. Having said that, I am so proud of the children in KC. They have tried their best, matured and grown in independence. I cannot wait to see what Term 2 brings!

Congratulations to Ainlinn and Sophia on receiving your awards today!

I wish all our families a happy and safe holiday. I hope and pray that you are able to enjoy some quality time together, that you are well rested and remain in good health.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Our Environment

In Science this term we have been working through a unit called 'Our Environment'. We did a study of our school environment and discussed the different areas within our school. Along with that we talked about why those areas are important and what rules apply to each place.

This week we looked at different work environments, what materials and tools might be found there and the safety measures that are taken. Some of the environments we looked at are a construction site, a park or garden, a kitchen and a fashion designer's work space.

The children then used drawings or blocks to create a work place with particular focus on safety measures. May chose to create a garden shed that is designed to store tools or a kitchen with some impressive safety features.

Cadence and Darcy are working on a double storey shed. The top storey is for the sharp tools and other items that need to be out of children's reach.

Ano and Benita have also designed a shed. In their shed dangerous equipment is to be stored in a back room and the sharp tools up high.