Thursday, 31 March 2016

Using Lego to Build a Wall

Today we continued our investigation of patterns. We looked at a brick wall and observed that the bricks were all the same size but laid in a in a particular pattern. We talked about why this could be. One girl thought laying the bricks in this pattern makes the wall stronger.

We then used Lego to build a wall of our own. The Lego bricks needed to follow a pattern and the wall needed to be strong.

Thank you for sharing your pets with us!

News this week has been about our pets. Today we heard from Cadence, Darcy, Olivia and Benita.They were super excited to tell us all about their pets.
Thank you! We loved hearing about your loved ones.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

How do you measure? What do you measure?

My son built a rocket out of rods and connectors. When he was finished, our conversation went like this:

Me: "How tall is your rocket?"
Zac: "Four rods tall"
Me: "Is there another way we could find out how tall your rocket is? What could we use to measure it?"
Zac: "We should use a measuring tape"

What needs measuring at your house? What informal (feet, hands, pegs, pasta, spoons...) or formal (ruler, measuring tape...) materials can you use to measure it?

Tuesday, 29 March 2016


Today we started a conversation about patterns. We noticed that the seasons follow a pattern as do the days of the week and the months of the year. We observed patterns in the carpet and bricks. We created patterns using words, numbers, shapes and colours. Our goal is to be able to recognise, create and continue patterns using a range of resources. This is a concept we will continue to explore this week and next week.

Thursday, 24 March 2016


What fun today's Easter Hat Parade was! I loved seeing our families enjoying a picnic lunch and I really loved that so many KC parents could see the children in the parade. 
Thank you! 

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Library visits

Now that our Kindy block is back in business, our Primary Library is also back up and running. Our Library day is Friday but seeing as this Friday is Good Friday we will visit the Library on Thursday so that the children can have the opportunity to borrow. 
Next week we will start our Friday return and borrow routine. 

What Does Daily 5 Look Like?

Daily 5 is the Literacy program we use to develop specific reading and writing strategies within our students. Daily 5 has 5 elements:
Listen to reading
Read to someone
Read to self
Word work
Work on writing

Until today, we participated in each element in isolation as we were focus on building our reading and writing stamina. That is our ability to stay focused on reading or writing for increasing periods of time. 
Today we participated in all five elements where the children moved from one activity to the next in 10 to 15 minute rotations. 
Here's what today's rotations looked like:

Word work:
Choose a sight word. Read it. Write it in kinetic sand. 

Work on writing. 
Choose a sight word. Read it. Use magnetic letters to make it. Write it on a white board. 

Read to someone. 
Choose a partner. Choose a book. Take it in turns to read the pictures. See which of your sight words you can spot. 

Read to self. 
Choose a book. Find a comfortable place to sit. Read the pictures. See how many of your sight words you can find. 

Friday, 18 March 2016

Easter Hat Making Fun

We had a great time creating our Easter hats this afternoon! A special thanks goes out to our mums who could join us and our amazing Year 5 helpers. It was a fantastic way to build relationships with our older peers.